Wholesale & Distribution
Interested in Hajj Safe Products?
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What is Hajj Safe?
Hajj Safe are dedicated to providing pilgrims going for Hajj or Umrah with Anti-Theft products that will keep them, their family and their belongings safe and secure while they are on one of the most life-changing experience of their life.
Hajj Safe aims to sell in every country and every city
How we intend to do this is by having a retailer in each city. This way when we get customers on our website we actually pass those customers to local suppliers so they can save on delivery costs and have a more personal service. This way it also promotes your shop and you are able to sell more items insha'Allah.
We look forward to hearing from you!
Request PriceHajj Safe
is dedicated to provide pilgrims with products and services that will keep themselves and their belongings safe and secure while they are on the lifechanging experience of Hajj or Umrah.